An article about a genealogist researching JK Rowling’s ancestry, at the Times Online ( by Camillo Fracassini and Lois Rogers, shows that JK Rowling is in fact, a true Scot (and not just an honorary one).
Excerpts from the article(
SHE was born near Bristol and spends much of her time in London, nevertheless JK Rowling has long been regarded as an honorary Scot. Now, it has emerged that the Harry Potter author has a legitimate claim to Scottish ancestry.
Rowling is believed to be the great-granddaughter of Dugald Campbell, a pioneering doctor from Arran who helped establish the national health service in Hawaii.
The surprising discovery follows months of research by Anthony Adolph, a genealogist, who claims to have traced Rowling’s roots back as far as the early 19th century.
I have some comments about some things mentioned in this article, in another related article (same site, some of the same information from this article, listed as “Lost fortunes in the family tree”).