If you are doing research in and around Colorado, you need to visit the Colorado State Archives. It’s really starting to pick up. They are providing more and more online indexes to their collections.
- You may search this index by name and record type, county, or time span or a combination of any of these search elements. The results will show you the first 200 entries, alphabetically arranged.
They have a Records Description List if your wondering what each collection/type of record is.
Here’s their featured collections:
- * Washington County Pauper Record 1896-1897
* Mesa County CCC Enrollments 1934-1942
* Amache Japanese Internment Camp Teachers List 1942-1945
* Indian Industrial Schools Census 1900
* State Penitentiary Index 1871-1973
* Arapahoe County Voter Registrations 1893-1905
* Civilian Conservation Corps Enrollments (Statewide) 1936-1942
* Colorado Civil War Casualties
* Routt County Ditch Claim Statements 1902-1903
* Huerfano County Inheritance Tax 1910-1946
* Gilpin County Chancery Cases 1862-1878
* Arapahoe County Poor Hospital 1895-1899
* El Paso County Divorce 1903-1941
They have a lot more than that, and they look to be extremely well organized. Just from the few collections mentioned above, you can see they have some very interesting records collections.
Here’s a list of their indexed records