Press Release (Yahoo): Six Generations – A Card Game for All Ages.
When Ted Soloview, a graphic designer from Alaska was searching his genealogy with the roots of Russian, German, and Ukrainian ancestors, he caught an idea that anybody’s triangle-looking family tree could be used to create a new card game.
After a year of research and choosing a universal match for parents and children, husbands and wives, lifestyle and clothing, names and countries for the European family of immigrants to America, his idea has generated an innovative card game, “Six Generations.”
“The amount of our ancestors is doubled in each older generation,” Ted Soloview said. “We have two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so on. In six generations we get 62 ancestors. It’s a perfect amount for cards in a deck, since we need to shuffle them easily. That’s how I stopped at number six.”
Looking for a fun gift to give to another genealogist, or perhaps trying to interest a child in genealogy? For under $10 (USD) this might just do the trick.