Who is Sylvia Thalman? She’s an honorary member of the Miwok tribe in California (because of her genealogy work). Barbara Rodgers has written a story for CBS 5 (San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose) about Sylvia, honoring her for her efforts in preserving Miwok history:
For nearly 50 years, Sylvia has researched Miwok culture, not as her job, but as her passion. Sylvia’s research into the history of the Miwok Indians took her throughout Marin and Sonoma counties, and brought her to an old cemetery that provided some key information.
“It’s very full,†Thalman recalls. “I know the names of 105 people who are buried here through my genealogy.”
The genealogy was compiled from cemetery and church records, as well as manuscripts and oral history.
She was given the “Jefferson Award in the Bay Area” this week for her work.