W.B. Jones has written an article, Then and Now (DNA research and genealogy: Will the real you please step forward), for the Robertson County Times (TN), about one of the hottest topics in genealogy since we moved to computers – DNA research.
They mention an interesting term that some of you may not have heard of:
There has been a new term coined called “Genetealogy†which is the merger of genetics and genealogy by using DNA information to determine our roots.
They also mention an interesting quote from Alastair Greenshields:
Alastair Greenshields, one of the founders of DNA Heritage, likes to put it this way; “Genealogy is a bit like playing Clue. The facts are usually all there to be found, but when you get stuck, DNA whispers in your ear and says, ‘Look in the billiard room!’â€
It’s a good, in-depth article about where genealogy is headed in regards to DNA research.