Opening the door to the real Rosslyn

Interesting article in The Scotsman (, by Sarah Howden, Opening the door to the real Rosslyn, concerning the history/genealogy of Rosslyn Chapel, which has been in the news a lot over the past several years, partly due to Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, but also due to various conspiracy theories that predated the book. It covers a new book coming out by Mark Oxbrow and Ian Robertson, Rosslyn and The Grail, which is about the history of the chapel. Interesting read if your into studying the genealogy of buildings.

“Most of what we know of the chapel comes from one man, a priest called Father Hay who was related to the family (St Clair), so in 1700 when he wrote a book about the genealogy of the chapel, he apparently had access to family papers.

“There’s relatively little contemporary information about the chapel, but we’ve based our book on the old material such as the myths and legends that have been passed down. There may be historical facts that have been elaborated, but as academics we questioned the sources and have only put together legends that add up. I think people have really been too fluid with stories.”

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