I came across a fairly new blog, Genealogy Education (“ideas for family history teachers, speakers, librarians and society programmers”), courtesy of Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter that some of you may be interested in. It’s exactly what it says – a blog about genealogy education.
Their purpose:
The purpose of this blog is to serve as a source of ideas, information and inspiration for those who teach, lecture or organize genealogy events…..
I will comment from time to time on self-directed learning, on-line learning, books that could be used in classes, and interesting articles I read that may have application in genealogy education. I’ll share some ideas on curriculum and experiences in the classroom.
I’ll be sure to share the accumulated wisdom of over 20 years as a genealogy librarian, and forty years involvement in adult education in around the world.
To say it’s a blog about helping genealogists help others just getting into genealogy would be an understatement, and it will be a blog that you might check here and there, even if you aren’t directly involved in educating others.