Schelly Talalay Dardashti has an article in Ynetnews, Cutting-edge genealogy: A genealogy about-face as savvy people change the way we research our families, about how genealogy research is being changed and updated to take advantage of the latest and greatest in computer technolgoy. It’s mainly about – a genealogy site devoted to facial recognition for genealogists. One of the most interesting of the new technologies that are or will be soon be, at genealogists’ disposal.
Excerpt from the article:
A genealogist since age 13, CEO Gilad Japhet, now 36, was working full-time in hi-tech while still a Technion student. When he married at 30, he decided to take six months off for family research, visit archives and interview family members. “I was aware of available genealogy software, but what I wanted was missing,†he recalls, adding that what was out there was not innovative or was too commercial.
As Gilad pursued his roots, he visited relatives around the world, armed with a portable scanner and other equipment. He rescued some 2,000 photographs found in albums, shoeboxes, shelves, attics and garages. Most weren’t labeled; their owners weren’t sure of the pictured individuals’ names or relationships.