More Cemetery and Genealogy Stories

Just a few more stories left over from the Halloween rush by the media to publish any and all stories about cemeteries and genealogy that they can (although in this case both stories do a good job of educating people on the importance of these in relation to genealogy).

Tombstones can be spooky, but have great information – Fremont Tribune (Nebraska) – Excerpt from the article:

Although many people associate tombstones with Halloween, those in Ridge Municipal Cemetery display a wealth of history.

The marker for Seth Marvin is a good example.

He was part of the Pinney, Barnard & Co., the company that helped lay the boundaries for Fremont in 1856, according to the “History of Elkhorn Valley, Nebraska, An Album of History and Biography,” published in 1892.

Aging Gracefully – Portland Tribune (Oregon), by Randall Barton – Excerpt from the article:

The nation’s bicentennial sparked an interest in genealogy that exploded with the advent of the Internet, Engeman says, but the importance of cemeteries goes beyond a search for family roots.
“Like any other human construct in a city or society, a cemetery is a marker of past times,” he says. “A building displays marks of its culture and its time. A cemetery does, too. Lone Fir shows that Victorian attitude toward death in the poetry carved on the stones, the artwork. … They’re also eternal reminders that we are all going to go somewhere else. We’re not staying right here.”

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