Genealogy Project Earns Girl Scout Gold Award (Highest GS Award)

The Patriot News (PA) has word that a family genealogy project has earned a Girl Scout a “Gold Award”, the highest award a Girl Scout can receive. Emily Clemens of Troop 368 (Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council) not only researched her family’s history, but gave a presentation/workshop on her genealogy project as well as how to use the genealogy information.

Who Was Henry Ferriss and Where is He Buried?

Denise Crosby asks Who was Henry Ferriss and where is he buried?, in The Beacon News (Illinois) about a lost tombstone that almost ended up in the city dump.

If any of that sounds familiar, they could use some help in identifying who Henry was, and where he ended up at. Denise’s contact information is linked at the at the article above, or perhaps contact the Aurora Historical Society. It’s a genealogy mystery worth solving, so that Chapin can get the tombstone out of his truck.